Scholarship Application Essay Example

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When you are writing a scholarship application and essay, an essay is where you don’t just have to talk about the numbers, and the transcripts attached, but rather showcase what else you are, what makes you unique. You can imagine the definition of this document beyond the term “personal essay”, it is something more than that; it captures your life and your dreams as well as your drive towards these dreams.

Crafting the right scholarship essay may be paralyzing as you attempt to craft your story in such a manner that your past, trials, interests position you as the best fit. In this blog, there will be discussed step by step the writing of a winning scholarship essay that may give you ideas regarding your own essay as well. So, let’s not waste any more time and go up to the example of this essay:

Overcoming Challenges: A Steady Motivation for My Growth and Transformational Purpose

For me, one of the most fundamental characteristics has been living in a low-income, single parent family. Even as an adolescent, I understood what it meant to be hard headed, tenacious and educated for the purpose of changing ones socio-economic situation. How the tide turned for example is that despite my moms engagement in several low paying jobs, there were months when there was a threat for our power to be cut off or there is no food to eat. Seeing her go through those times as a child made me want to be successful, not only for myself, but for my family and the society at large.

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It is worthwhile to mention one of the notable lapses that I suffered towards the end of my high school. Things got out of hand after my mother became unemployed and that is when our problems with finances started. There were too many bills for me and I could not imagine how one day would go by. The pressure got to me and I had to admit that I was in academic distress. This made me contemplate leaving school to help support my family. But in my heart, I knew that what would get us out of poverty is education.

With a resilient spirit, I resolved I would work part time as I attended to my studies and co-curriculum. The learning curve was steep, and I had to learn the best and quickest ways to complete my tasks. After very long hours of working I would stay awake at nights studying so as to bring my grades back on track. Even though that was a hard period in my life, I realized the value of not giving up and self-control.

This set of circumstances also led me to take part in one of the school’s community service programs where students offered tutoring to underprivileged children. I witnessed too many children who experience the same challenges I went through, and I wished some change in their lives. Assisting people in learning and working toward their educational goals gave me a refreshing mission in life. It was through this experience that I discovered my passion for education, and further service to the community, with a determination to make a difference in people’s lives even when I knew I would have to work to achieve that dream.

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This difficult time has defined my aspirations – both of an education and a career in ways I cannot even begin to imagine. Currently, I am studying for a Degree in Education with the pursuing of becoming a teacher, and later on, an active member of the community, fighting for equal opportunities in education. My worldview is that quality education is a right to each and every child irrespective of the social class and I seek for their change.

In pursuing my studies, such scholarship will give me the economic security I need so that I can concentrate on studies and advance my passion in making a difference. If there was no such pressure to make ends meet, I would spend more time on the coursework, working on social initiatives, and taking on more leadership tasks. All these activities will widen my insight and knowledge to be a better change agent.

I have gone through challenges which indeed define who I am today, but for them, I would not have the motivation to rise above and give back to society. Such achievement is really essential for me, and I believe that once I am armed with the right tools and above all, the motivation, I will successfully effect positive change in my society.

Key Points for a Strong Scholarship Essay

  • Be Authentic: Describe one personal hardship that was impactful and brought you to think and act differently.
  • Focus on Growth: Explain the challenge and how you met it with positive consequences.
  • Link to Future Goals: Specify the experience and connect it to goals both in studies and in career.
  • Show Determination: Explain how the action will aid you to realize your aspirations.
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This particular example highlights the aspect of self-development and resilience, accompanied by a sense of purpose and direction regarding the future — attributes that scholarship committee members tend to expect in any essay.

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